Wide Bay Burnett
Community Legal Service
We are an independent, non-profit community organisation which aims to address disadvantage across the Fraser Coast, Gympie, Bundaberg and North Burnett regions through the provision of free, quality legal advice.
Legal assistance is intended to help vulnerable people facing disadvantage who are unable to afford private legal services to engage effectively with the justice system in order to address their legal problems.
Legal assistance is intended to help vulnerable people facing disadvantage who are unable to afford private legal services to engage effectively with the justice system in order to address their legal problems.

Legal Advice & Support
Our service delivery includes free legal advice, referral and education. We are committed to equitable access to the legal system and justice, and the equal protection of human rights. Although our service is not means-tested, our priority is to assist people experiencing hardship or vulnerable to disadvantage.
Almost half of all Queenslanders will experience a legal problem in a calendar year. Vulnerable people in our community often have more legal issues than other community members but are less likely to have access to the resources to deal with them.
Almost half of all Queenslanders will experience a legal problem in a calendar year. Vulnerable people in our community often have more legal issues than other community members but are less likely to have access to the resources to deal with them.
Community Legal Service
We provide 15 – 30 minute consultations as per government recommendations, by appointment, with a Solicitor on most matters of law. Consultations are provided by lawyers employed by us and/or local solicitors who volunteer their time to assist the community.
Seniors Legal Services
The Seniors Legal and Support Service is a community service providing free and confidential legal advice and counselling support for seniors 60 years and over in the Fraser Coast community.
Family Law Workshop
The Wide Bay Burnett Community Legal Service provides FREE information sessions on Family Law.
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